Saturday, July 4, 2020

Kayak trip to the Sea Caves, Lake Superior

I have visited the Mainland Sea Caves/Ice Caves near Cornucopia, Wisconsin many times in the Winter. And also hiked the trail above the sea caves several times but never had a chance to explore the caves in a kayak. I thought this would be a good outing for my 60tieth birthday. I signed up for a half day trip with an outfitter in Cornucopia (Lost Creek Adventures). A good friend of mine joined me as I wanted to take photos and needed someone in the back of the tandem kayak. 
We met at 4pm at the outfitter and headed to Meyer's Beach where we got some basic instructions. It was an incredibly warm and humid day, very unusual for early July at Lake Superior. It felt good to get out on the water to cool off a bit. Our group consisted of 3 kayaks (6 people) and one guide. 
It was a gorgeous summer day with blue sky, a few clouds and the orange - reddish sand cliffs were lit up by the late afternoon sun but taking photos was challenging. We had to stay with the group so I had no time to explore on my own and the waves were big enough to bop the kayak up and down which meant lots of blurry pictures. But it was a fun afternoon and I recognized many of the locations from my visits in the winter. 
The guide shared some history of the area and geography which was interesting.
I hope I get another chance to get out there on a calmer day and without the time pressure.

The day ended with a moody sunset at Meyer's Beach and a late supper in Bayfield.

Enjoy, Susanne

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