The 3rd and last part of our trip up north.
If you want to read the 1st and 2nd part, you can find it here:
The day started out with another amazing Lake Superior sunrise at the Temperance River campground. It was almost like 2-3 sunrises as the sun would disappear behind clouds and come out again.
I went for a hike along the Temperance River taking photos of the gorge and waterfalls. The water level was low which showed more of the rock formations.
Shanti wasn't much into hiking and Bill stayed behind with him, talking to people on the trail. Then all of a sudden he perked up and got the "Zoomies" - digging in dirt and jumping in the river like a mad man! He seemed very proud of his muddy self! I had to give him a Lake Superior Spa treatment before we packed up and headed home.
We stopped briefly at Palisade Head and enjoyed the spectacular view in the distance and along the shoreline of Lake Superior.
Shanti did so well on this trip so I got him a new (used) teddy bear!
Thanks for viewing. And I hope you are enjoying the photos of our trip.
Click on the photos for a larger view.
Orange colored dawn |
Temperance River gorge |
Temperance River gorge |
No, I don't want to go hiking |
Digging in dirt is way more fun |
Lake Superior Spa treatment |
At Palisade Head |
View from Palisade Head |
Who is this guy?? |
He seems ok, we can be friends |