Full "Snow Moon" Photo Shoot
A full moon is always a highly anticipated event for a landscape photographer. There are 13 full moons in 2020 . Typically I have 2-3 opportunities per year to get out and capture either a moon rise or moon set. Either the weather isn't cooperating or I am at work.
This February 9 "Snow Moon" was a beauty and for a change we had clear skies!!
I had been to an Art Crawl in Eau Claire (Wisconsin) and as I was leaving on Saturday evening (Febr. 8) I saw the most gorgeous moon rising but I had no camera with me.
On Sunday I was at work plus we had a snowstorm but the sun came out and clear sky in the evening.
My plan was to go out Monday morning to capture the setting moon. My alarm went off at 5:15am - I did not want to get up. My mind said: I am tired, it's too cold (-15F), I want to sleep in... My feline companions never let me sleep in and make it very clear when it's time to feed them!!
After a cup of coffee I was ready to leave around 6:30am. Then comes the most agonizing part - where to go?? I live in a wooded area and only know of a few places with a decent view within a 20 miles radius. I would like to go to at least 5 spots - all at the same time!! I only have a window of about 45 minutes. The weather report mentioned something about freezing fog therefore I decided to head down to the Chippewa river to check if there was frost. The roads were slippery, some haven't been plowed and I have to pace myself. Watching for deer - I know most of their "highways" in my area, so I slow down and look.
Before I reached the river I stopped close to a farm - but where to park the car? On the same day last year I pulled over on the side of the road not realizing that it was all icy underneath the snow. I could not get out on my own and after 2 hrs trying with helpful neighbors I had to call the tow truck. With that in mind I carefully pulled over.
I love the soft pinks and blues before sunrise. The moon was still pretty high in the sky.
My hands were getting cold while taking the first photos. I remembered I brought hand warmers but the package wouldn't open. I found scissors in the car, but cut into one of the little packs and the black powder ran out. Oh, so much fun!?!
I found nothing too spectacular at the river. So I turned around thinking about another location to capture the sunrise and setting moon. But I ran out of time. As I was driving I reminded myself to breathe and just to relax. I live in such a beautiful area!
I never made it to where I wanted to go but it didn't matter. I soaked up the warmth of the sun, looked around seeing all the sparkles in the snow and on the trees. Life is beautiful!
The first photo was taken around 6:50am and the last photo around 7:40am. The mood and light changes dramatically within such a short time.
I hope you enjoyed the little glimpse into my photography adventure.
Click on the photos for a larger view.
A promising sunrise - view towards the east |
Last year on February 10 - the tow truck had to pull me out as I parked on the side of the road and was sliding into the ditch |
My favorite colors - soft pink and blue sky in the west. Photo was taken about 25 minutes before the sunrise |
The setting full moon still high in the sky. View towards the Blue Hills (west) |
When I saw this scene with the deer tracks and snow covered spruce trees lit up by the sun - I had to stop.
Photo taken about 20 minutes past sunrise |
My focus was so much on the moon that I almost forgot to turn around to see this scene filled with warmth and golden light. |
Goldenrod sparkling in the sunlight |