Finally I was able to go kayaking on my favorite lake, Audie Lake, in the Blue Hills (Wisconsin). The first trip was partly cloudy/sunny which created a more dramatic mood and the dominant colors were blue and white and green. (see first 3 photos).
For the second trip I left earlier so I could be on the lake by sunrise. The fog was gliding across the calm water of the lake and it seemed like the world was standing still. I watched a pair of loons with their baby chick from a distance as they were floating through the golden mist. One of the loons (I assume the male) swam towards me to check me out and to guard his family. Close to the loons were three otters doing their thing, catching and munching on their breakfast. It was fun to watch them and their sleek bodies were shining in the golden sunlight. I was too far away to get any good photos.
I had some issues with my camera, something was different but I wasn't able to figure it out. I kept taking photos and was hoping for the best. When I downloaded the photos on my computer I noticed that the files were very low resolution. I had taken all the photos in video mode (!!) - who knew that you could take still photos in video setting! It was a beautiful morning but the photographer in me was not happy !!!
So a few days later I went out again and I am so glad I did. This time I made sure all the camera settings were correct. And I experienced another magical golden morning with fog lingering on the lake.
I met the loon family and the otters at exactly the same location again! Maybe they are creatures of habit and they have their morning routines - just like us humans!
Sometimes I am left speechless when out in nature and words fail to describe the beauty I see and experience. Here is a quote from Rumi:
Silence is the language of God
all else is poor translation.
The inspiration you seek is already within you.
Be silent and listen. (Rumi)
Enjoy my little kayaking adventures and thanks for viewing.
Click on the photos for a larger view.
The only photo from my 2nd trip |
This view left me speechless - on my 3rd trip |
The lake looks like it's on fire |
one of the otters when he/she discovered me |
a pair of loons |
The loon family in the golden morning fog |
The guardian - the other loon and baby chick are barely visible in the distance |
One of the floating bogs - perfect reflections with the sun
| |
One of the floating bogs - perfect reflections |
One of the floating bogs - perfect reflections
One of the floating bogs - perfect reflections